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Argent Bridge Advisors is a Financial Planning firm specializing in transitions, including divorce. Our divorce planning team is comprised of five CDFA® professionals who are committed to supporting you through critical financial decisions.

Certified Divorce Financial Analyst® professionals have specialized skills and experience that enable them to analyze the long-term financial impact of divorce.

Argent Bridge Advisors provides the platform that enables the connection between the professional divorce community and those in need.

CFP®, CDFA® Managing Partner & Private Wealth Advisor

Dianne’s Webpage

Dianne Nolin

CFP®, CDFA® Partner & Private Wealth Advisor

Cecile’s Webpage

Cecile Hult

Eric Ashburn

CFP®, CEPA®, CDFA®, CeFT® Partner & Private Wealth Advisor

Eric’s Webpage

CDFA® Private Wealth Advisor & Client Engagement Manager 

Alyce’s Webpage

Alyce Phinney

Jamie S. Blum

CPA, CDFA® Director, Divorce Financial Planning and Litigation Support

Jamie’s Webpage

Elina Cannon

CFA®, CDFA® Private Wealth Advisor & Divorce and Investment Strategist

Elina’s Webpage