Done with Divorce® is a nonprofit organization which lends support to individuals transitioning through divorce. We are dedicated to improving the lives of these individuals and working with our clients through high-stake financial decisions.

Our Mission

To share support with those who are separated or recently divorced facing decisions that are financial, legal or personal in nature. We bring together qualified divorce professionals to share knowledge and support through and beyond emotional, financial, and legal considerations.

Our Vision

Building a community of empowered, secure, confident individuals, moving forward after divorce.

Our Origin Story

With decades of professional experience, our founders have worked with clients through high-stakes financial decisions related to divorce. As speakers and creators of nationwide educational seminars and webinars, they identified that divorce education was incomplete by focusing solely on the beginning stages of divorce legal matters. Awareness through education during all stages of divorce and planning for life beyond is at the heart of the development of Done with Divorce. We subscribe to the belief “you're not starting over, you're starting from a place of experience”.